Pacific- active |
Pacific-inactive |
Atlantic- active |
Indian- active |
Repeat high resolution expendable Bathythermograph (XBT) transects have been collected
along a number of commercial shipping routes spanning the Pacific Ocean, the Drake Passage, and
Tasmania to Dumont d'Urville. On each of the transects generally four surveys are conducted
per year. Temperature data are usually collected by a scientist on board the vessel using an
automatic XBT launcher designed at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). The launcher
holds 6 XBT probes which are pre-programmed to drop at specific locations (using GPS) or times.
The XBT probes
are Sippican "Deep Blue", which are rated to 760 m depth, but typically return temperature to
a depth of around 850 m at ship speeds of 15 to 18 knots. Sequential XBT casts are separated
by 30-40 km along track, with closer station spacings of 10 km near boundaries, across the
equator and in topographically varying regions. Sampling begins and ends near the 200 m isobath
at the coastal endpoints of the tracks.
Prior to 1994 profiles were collected using a modified analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion board
as described by Roemmich and Cornuelle (1987). From 1994 through 2004 a Sippican MK12 data acquisition
system was employed, with the modification of the user interface driver programs. These
programs were developed at SIO to provide a more user-friendly environment for the ship board data
collectors, and to eventually enable collection by non-scientific personnel such as the ship's
crew. Profiles are currently collected using AMVER SEAS 2K Windows based software and the
Sippican MK21 data acquisition system. AMVER SEAS 2K was developed by NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic
and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). It incorporates
many of SIO's older data acquisition functions. See the poster page for a
description of AMVER SEAS 2K.
Thermistor resistance is converted to temperature using a logarithmic fit (Steinhart and Hart, 1968).
Depth is calculated using the original fall-rate equation provided by Sippican:
Original Sippican Deep Blue XBT fall rate equation:
z (meters) = 6.472 t - 0.00216 t**2 (t in seconds)
The raw temperature/depth data are vertically averaged to 2 m bins and archived as ASCII files
with date and time information. Position is provided by a GPS navigational system which is
generally directly linked to the data acquisition system. Most quality control, such as
removing wire breaks and temperature spikes, is done aboard the ship. Final quality control is
completed at SIO, where the data are translated to the 1995 Hanawa et al corrected fall rate equation and
further vertically averaged to 10 m bins to form a more compressed version of the data.
Hanawa et al (1995) Deep Blue XBT fall rate equation:
z (meters) = 6.691 t - 0.00225 t**2 (t in seconds)
Note the .10 files available for download from this site reflect the Hanawa et al 1995 fall rate equation.
Cruise tracks and along track temperature/depth cross-sections are displayed for each cruise.
The location of each individual XBT cast is indicated by the tick marks along the top axis
of the temperature sections. These cross-sections have been constructed using an objective
mapping routine to regularly grid the data in depth and latitude (or longitude). The routine
employs a high signal-to-noise ratio so as to retain the true spatial structure.
The data are also available from the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC).
Roemmich, D., and B. Cornuelle, 1987. Digitization and calibration of the expendable
bathythermograph. Deep-Sea Research, 34, 299-307
Steinhart, J., and S. Hart, 1968. Calibration curves for thermistors. Deep-Sea Research,
15, 497-503
The high resolution XBT project is funded (in part) by the Climate Observation Division, Climate
Program Office, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.
The National Science Foundation provided support in the past.
We are also very much indebted to the
officers and crew of each of the vessels named for their generous help and support, and
also for the co-operation of the ship owners and charterers. The Scripps portion includes
partnerships past and present with Alaska
Tankers, A.P. Moller - Maersk,
BHP Transport, Blue Star, Chevron, CMA CGM, CP ships,
CSX/Sealand/Horizon Lines, Egon Oldendorff, E.R. Schiffahrt GmbH & Cie. KG,
Hamburg Sud, Hapag Lloyd, Hermann Buss, Hoegh Autoliners, H. Schepers Bereederungs GmbH & Co. KG,
Keystone Shipping Co, Leonhardt-Blumberg, MSC, Martime Reederie (Elsfleth), NSB, Mitsui
O.S.K. Lines Ltd., NYK, Pacific Forum Line, Polar Tankers, P&O NedLloyd,
Safmarine, Seabulk, SeaRiver Maritime, Schiffahrtsgesellschaft Oltmann mbH & Co. KG, and the
USCG on routes spanning the North and South Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean
and across the Southern Ocean.
We wish to acknowledge use of the Ferret program for
graphics on this website. Ferret is a product of NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental
Laboratory. (Click here for information.)